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Although I am an independent trainer, I have a close network of Associates with whom I am privileged to work with. 

Associate Catherine Knibbs

Catherine Knibbs

Cath is human being, a mum, a story seeker and story teller around child trauma and how the past influences your today.  She is a clinical researcher, theorist, epigenetic psychotherapist working with children and adults.   Cath is  currently completing a Doctorate.  

Cath organised the ACES conference in January 2020 in partnership with Sarah Henry. 

Cath is a published Author and Functional Coach,  a Clinical Supervisor and a passionate advocate for Children and Young people in order that adults around them can create a trauma applied narrative and experience and hold space for them whilst they heal.
Associate Jayne James

Jayne James

Jayne is company director of Jayne James Training Ltd, specialising in Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.  Jayne is Sarah’s co-trainer for the Senior Mental Health Lead course. 

As a Livingworks independent trainer, Jayne runs SafeTALK workshops, educating people and raising the awareness and importance of talking and being aware of the signs of suicide.

Jayne also runs MHFA England Adult training courses.

Jayne is an advocate for young peoples’ emotional health and wellbeing and has delivered workshops and assemblies on this subject, in educational settings, for the last 16 years.

Jayne was the previous director of the Wakefield’s Samaritans branch where she volunteered for many years.


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Hamish - Head of Security at Nostell Priory
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Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

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